COCAL Updates

COCAL logo smallby Joe Berry

COCAL is the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor, a nearly 20 year old network of contingent activists and their organizations that does a conference (now tri national – USA, CAN, MEX) every other year, usually in August. It also sponsors a listserv, called ADJ-L, and has an International Advisory Committee and a website and Facebook page


1. CCSF Board of Trustees votes against holding ACCJC accountable.

2. Call to action of accreditors nationally.


1. Teachers protesting around the world.

2. Non tenured staff strike at Hebrew U in Israel.

3. London further education colleges hit by 7 strikes.


1. United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) Student Labor Movement Gala and retreat in DC Aug 7, 2015.

For the second summer in a row, USAS is holding two special events in Washington, DC for our supporters and alumni, and you?re invited.

On August 7, join us for our second annual Student Labor Movement Gala, a celebration of the incredible work students from across the country have accomplished like winning $15/hour on campus at the UW Seattle, forcing The Children?s Place, a massive apparel conglomerate, to pay $2.5 million to victims of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, and spreading adjunct organizing like wildfire across the country. The Gala will bring together students, USAS alumni, allies from other social justice movements, and you.

Save the date and buy your ticket now for the 2014 Student Labor Movement Gala in Washington, DC.

And don’t forget the USAS Alumni and Allies Association 2nd Annual Retreat, Saturday, August 8, 2015!

2. Note from Editor:  Is any one in close contact with the Bernie Sanders Campaign? He might well be receptive to being approached about contingent higher ed faculty issues in a broader context of higher ed and education generally. I live in VT part-time and might be able to gain some contacts, but others should try as well. A well written letter from NFM and other groups might be effective right now. [Note from NFM: Great suggestion, Joe. Please note this is Joe’s suggestion not as an NFM Foundation board member but as an individual and that NFM is prohibited from political partisanship by its status as a non-profit, but that we’re working on outreach to and the education of all candidates.]

3. Chicago charter school students say UNO (union) teacher was fired for union activism.

4. Unemployment questionnaire from IL and good commentary on it.

5. I am an adjunct professor—who learns less than a pet sitter (from Philly)

6. NJ adjuncts vent frustration.

7. Involuntary part-time work, here to stay?

8. On selling out, a semi-manifesto.

9. Making space for young workers in unions.

10. Adjuncts deserve job security.

11. St Mary’s College (Oakland, CA) faculty win UI protection in first contract.

12. Arizona State admin backs off on more work for less pay for writing instructors, after protests.

13. Adjunct faculty in North Carolina have joined the Moral Monday movement.

14. Call for a national adjunct labor action Sept 7, 2016  (What about Campus Equity Week at end of October?)

15. Statement on contingent workers from US DOL.

16. My experience as an adjunct in a for-profit c college.

17. Sign petition to expand overtime coverage to many more workers (maybe even us?)

18. Columbia U becomes first university to divest from prisons.

19. Adjunct retirement insecurity (a new study).

20. Monroe CC (Rochester, NY) contract talks deadlocked, partly over adjunct pay

21. Bernie Sanders is doing a petition for single payer-Medicare for all.

22. Labor for Bernie letter to sign.

23. Feminist reflections (blog) life as a sometimes adjunct.

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